PREPARATION SALE - From CANAL + headquarters, to benefit the Vivendi Create Joy Foundation

Monday 20 September 2021 11:00
Siège de Canal + , 1 Place du spectacle 92130 Issy-les-moulineaux
Sale information

A unique contemporary work, reflecting the CANAL+ universe, sold at auction to benefit the Vivendi Create Joy Foundation. On the occasion of the relocation of its headquarters in Issy-les-Moulineaux, CANAL + has commissioned Ader E&P to sell the installation "Le Mur de Porcelaines" designed by Vincent Bastie. This 9.3-metre-long work, made up of nearly 600 Haviland porcelain plates, was custom-made in 2008 for the Tapis Rouge screening room at the CANAL + Group's headquarters, a reception area for events, parties and film previews attended by media, political and cultural figures. This unique work of art, which is both decorative and poetic, and an iconic image of the CANAL Universe, will be sold for the benefit of the Vivendi Create Joy Foundation, an opportunity to support the initiation and professional training of young people. About Ader Entreprises & Patrimoine Created in October 2019 by Elsa Joly-Malhomme, David Nordmann and Xavier Dominique.Ader E&P is the first auction house dedicated to the valuation of the heritage of companies and public institutions. "Putting our expertise as auctioneers at the service of corporate assets" A graduate of HEC, the École du Louvre and an auctioneer, Elsa Joly-Malhomme is joining forces in October 2019 with David Nordmann and Xavier Dominique, auctioneers at Ader Nordmann & Dominique to create the first auction house specialising in corporate heritage. All three exhibit their shared passion for the history of industries and the design masterpieces they often house. Sale ONLINE until Monday 20 September at 11am. Visits possible on site by appointment: from Monday 13 to Friday 17 September, and on Monday 20 September morning. Selling expenses : 25% VAT included Dismantling on the spot at the expense of the buyer before Saturday, September 25. Expert : Emmanuel EYRAUD For any information about the sale: Inès del VALLE Ulysse GAUNET

Sales conditions